A very important aspect of any foreign trip or stay abroad is that related to our health. If at any time you feel sick or ill and need to visit a doctor, it is important that you can describe your symptoms and understand the treatment you should follow.
At LatinoSchools we want to help you. That is why we have compiled a vocabulary with medical and sanitary terms that will help you when you visit Bolivia, Ecuador or Peru and need to go to the hospital.
It can also help you get in touch with the medical terms in Spanish if you decide to take our Medical Spanish course. You will also use it as a reminder when you receive a visit from a Spanish-speaking patient on your return to your home country.
Vocabulary: medical and health terms
English | Spanish |
abortion | aborto |
abrasion | abrasión |
abscess | abceso |
ache, pain | dolor |
allergist | alergólogo/a |
allergy | alergia |
ambulance | ambulancia |
amnesia | amnesia |
analgesic | analgésico |
anaphylactic shock | shock anafiláctico |
anemia | anemia |
anesthesia | anestesia |
anesthesiologist | anestesiólogo/a , anestesista |
aneurysm, aneurism | aneurisma |
angina | angina de pecho |
antacid | antiácido |
anti-depressant | antidepresivo |
Anti-inflammatory | antiinflamatorio |
antibiotic | antibiótico |
antibodies | anticuerpos |
anticoagulant | anticoagulante |
antidote | antídoto |
antihistamine | antihistamínico |
antipyretic | antipirético |
anus | ano |
anxiety | ansiedad |
aorta | aorta |
appendectomy | apendectomía |
appendicitis | apendicitis |
arm | brazo |
arm pit | axila |
arrhythmia | arritmia |
artery | arteria |
arthritis | artritis |
asthma | asma |
back | espalda |
backbone | columna vertebral |
bacterium | bacteria |
bandage | vendaje |
blister | ampolla |
blood analysis | análisis de sangre |
blood pressure | presión arterial |
bone | hueso |
brain | cerebro |
breasts | senos |
bruise | moratón |
burn | quemadura |
cardiac arrest | paro cardíaco |
cardiologist | cardiólogo/a |
cast | escayola , yeso |
chest | pecho |
cold | catarro |
colic | cólico |
colon | colon |
Computerized Axial Tomography (CAT scan) | TAC |
constipation | estreñimiento |
contraceptive | anticonceptivo |
cough | tos |
cut | corte |
dentist | odontólogo/a , dentista |
dermatolotist | dermatólogo/a |
diarrhoea | diarrea |
dislocation | luxación |
dizziness | mareo |
doctor | médico/a , doctor/a |
doctor’s office | consultorio médico |
drug | medicamento |
duodenum | duodeno |
ear | oído |
elbow | codo |
electrocardiogram | electrocardiograma |
embolism | embolia |
emergencies | urgencias |
encephalogram | encefalograma |
endocrinologist | endocrino/a |
epileptic seizure | ataque epiléptico |
esophagus | esófago |
fever | fiebre |
finger | dedo de la mano |
first-aid kit | botiquín |
flu | gripe |
food poisoning | intoxicación alimenticia |
fracture | fractura |
gallbladder | vesícula |
gastritis | gastritis |
geriatrician | geriatra |
gloves | guantes |
gynecologist | ginecólogo/a |
hand | mano |
heart | corazón |
heart attack | ataque al corazón / infarto |
heart murmur | soplo cardíaco |
hemorrhage | hemorragia |
hip | cadera |
hospital | hospital |
ictus | ictus |
ileum | íleon |
infection | infección |
inflammation | inflamación |
intestine | intestino |
itchiness | picor /comezón |
knee | rodilla |
knuckle | nudillo |
labor | parto |
laxative | laxante |
litter | camilla |
lockjaw | tétanos |
lung | pulmón |
mouth | boca |
nausea | náuseas |
neck | cuello |
neurologist | neurólogo/a |
nipples | pezones |
nurse | enfermero/a |
nutritionist | nutricionista |
obstetrician | tocólogo/a , obstetra |
oncologist | oncólogo/a |
operating theatre | quirófano |
ophthalmologist | oftalmólogo/a |
otitis | otitis |
otolaryngologist | otorrinolaringólogo/a |
paediatrician | pediatra |
pancreas | páncreas |
perone | peroné |
pharyngitis | faringitis |
pharynx | faringe |
physical therapist | fisioterapeuta |
pills | pastillas |
plaster | curita , tirita |
pneumonia | neumonía / pulmonía |
podiatrist | podólogo/a |
primary care physician | médico de atención primaria |
psychiatrist | psiquiatra |
pulse | pulso |
radiologist | radiólogo/a |
rib | costilla |
saline | suero |
scalpel | bisturí |
scanner | escáner |
scar | cicatriz |
scissors | tijeras |
shoulder | hombro |
sneeze | estornudo |
spine | espina dorsal |
spleen | bazo |
stethoscope | esteteoscopio |
stomach | estómago |
stomach flu | gastroenteritis |
stroke | derrame cerebral |
surgeon | cirujano |
symptoms | síntomas |
syringe | jeringuilla , jeringa |
thermometer | termómetro |
tibial | tibia |
tobillo | ankle |
toe | dedo del pie |
tongue | lengua |
traumatologist | traumatólogo/a |
treatment | tratamiento |
treatment room | sala de curas |
ultrasound | ecografía |
upheaval | convulsión |
urinalysis | análisis de orina |
urologist | urólogo |
vaccine | vacuna |
vermiform appendix | apéndice |
vertebrae | vértebra |
virus | virus |
vomiting | vómitos |
wrist | muñeca |
X-ray | radiografía |