Hello there! Welcome to our new section of Spanish vocabulary: banks and money. In our Survival Guide: Banks and money, we talked about how important it is to have some economic knowledge about the countries we visit. The currencies they use, how to change money, how to open a bank account, how to buy in a shop, how to pay your bills…
We are sure that by now you have a broader idea of all these matters and you will be perfectly able to engage into any task related to banks and money when you are in Quito, Sucre or Cuzco. As a complement of what we have already learned, we present you now this very useful vocabulary list!
Enjoy and learn with us!
Vocabulary: Banks and Money
Plata (Pe, Bo, Ec) / Dinero (Es)
Cajero automático
Cheque / Talón
Caja fuerte
Tarjeta(s) de crédito/débito
Español | English |
ATM (Automated Teller Machine) | Cajero automático |
Bank | Banco |
Bank account | Cuenta bancaria |
Bank balance | Saldo de cuenta |
Bank charges | Gastos bancarios o comisión |
Bank check | Cheque , talón |
Bill | Billete |
Bill (like in a restaurant) | La cuenta |
Bill (like your house bills) | Factura |
Branch | Sucursal bancaria |
Cash | Plata /dinero efectivo |
Client/customer | Cliente |
Coin | Moneda |
Credit card | Tarjeta de crédito |
Credit card terminal | Datáfono |
Current account | Cuenta corriente |
Debit | Débito |
Debit card | Tarjeta de débito |
Debt | Deuda |
Digital signature | Firma digital |
Exchange rate | Tasa de cambio |
Expense | Gasto |
Failed transaction | Operación fallida |
Financial advisor | Asesor financiero |
Funds | Fondos |
ID card | Documento /carné de identidad |
Income | Ingreso |
Insufficient funds | Insufficient funds |
Interest rate | Tasa de interés |
Investment | Inversión |
Key | Clave /contraseña |
Loan | Préstamo |
Manager | Director |
Money | Plata /Dinero |
Money order | Giro postal /bancario |
Mortgage | Hipoteca |
Offline | Fuera de línea |
Online | En línea |
Passport | Pasaporte |
Pay rise | Aumento de salario |
Payment | Pago |
Piggy bank | Hucha |
PIN (Personal Identification Number) | Pin (número de identificación personal) |
Rate | Cuota /tarifa |
Safe box | Caja fuerte |
Salary | Salario |
Sales tax | IVA |
Savings | Ahorros |
Savings account | Cuenta de ahorro |
Signature | Firma |
Standing order | Orden bancaria |
Stockholder | Accionista |
Tax(es) | Impuesto(s) |
Teller | Cajero (persona) |
Wallet | Cartera /billetera |
Wire transfer | Transferencia bancaria electrónica |
Withdrawal | Retirar /sacar plata /dinero |
English | Español |
To afford | Permitirse |
To borrow | Pedir prestado |
To buy | Comprar |
To charge | Cobar |
To cost | Costar |
To deposit | Ingresar |
To earn | Ganar |
To give away | Regalar |
To inherit | Heredar |
To invest | Invertir |
To lend | Prestar |
To lose | Perder |
To pay | Pagar |
To save | Ahorrar |
To sell | Vender |
To sign | Firmar |
To spend | Gastar |
To wast | Malgastar |
To win | Ganar |
To withdraw | Retirar /sacar plata /dinero |