Spanish vocabulary: Medicine and Health

A very important aspect of any foreign trip or stay abroad is that related to our health. If at any time you feel sick or ill and need to visit a doctor, it is important that you can describe your symptoms and understand the treatment you should follow.

At LatinoSchools we want to help you. That is why we have compiled a vocabulary with medical and sanitary terms that will help you when you visit Bolivia, Ecuador or Peru and need to go to the hospital.

It can also help you get in touch with the medical terms in Spanish if you decide to take our Medical Spanish course. You will also use it as a reminder when you receive a visit from a Spanish-speaking patient on your return to your home country.

Vocabulary: medical and health terms





















Urine analysis

Análisis de orina



English Spanish
abortion aborto
abrasion abrasión
abscess abceso
ache, pain dolor
allergist alergólogo/a
allergy alergia
ambulance ambulancia
amnesia amnesia
analgesic analgésico
anaphylactic shock shock anafiláctico
anemia anemia
anesthesia anestesia
anesthesiologist anestesiólogo/a , anestesista
aneurysm, aneurism aneurisma
angina angina de pecho
antacid antiácido
anti-depressant antidepresivo
Anti-inflammatory antiinflamatorio
antibiotic antibiótico
antibodies anticuerpos
anticoagulant anticoagulante
antidote antídoto
antihistamine antihistamínico
antipyretic antipirético
anus ano
anxiety ansiedad
aorta aorta
appendectomy apendectomía
appendicitis apendicitis
arm brazo
arm pit axila
arrhythmia arritmia
artery arteria
arthritis artritis
asthma asma
back espalda
backbone columna vertebral
bacterium bacteria
bandage vendaje
blister ampolla
blood analysis análisis de sangre
blood pressure presión arterial
bone hueso
brain cerebro
breasts senos
bruise moratón
burn quemadura
cardiac arrest paro cardíaco
cardiologist cardiólogo/a
cast escayola , yeso
chest pecho
cold catarro
colic cólico
colon colon
Computerized Axial Tomography (CAT scan) TAC
constipation estreñimiento
contraceptive anticonceptivo
cough tos
cut corte
dentist odontólogo/a , dentista
dermatolotist dermatólogo/a
diarrhoea diarrea
dislocation luxación
dizziness mareo
doctor médico/a , doctor/a
doctor’s office consultorio médico
drug medicamento
duodenum duodeno
ear oído
elbow codo
electrocardiogram electrocardiograma
embolism embolia
emergencies urgencias
encephalogram encefalograma
endocrinologist endocrino/a
epileptic seizure ataque epiléptico
esophagus esófago
fever fiebre
finger dedo de la mano
first-aid kit botiquín
flu gripe
food poisoning intoxicación alimenticia
fracture fractura
gallbladder vesícula
gastritis gastritis
geriatrician geriatra
gloves guantes
gynecologist ginecólogo/a
hand mano
heart corazón
heart attack ataque al corazón / infarto
heart murmur soplo cardíaco
hemorrhage hemorragia
hip cadera
hospital hospital
ictus ictus
ileum íleon
infection infección
inflammation inflamación
intestine intestino
itchiness picor /comezón
knee rodilla
knuckle nudillo
labor parto
laxative laxante
litter camilla
lockjaw tétanos
lung pulmón
mouth boca
nausea náuseas
neck cuello
neurologist neurólogo/a
nipples pezones
nurse enfermero/a
nutritionist nutricionista
obstetrician tocólogo/a , obstetra
oncologist oncólogo/a
operating theatre quirófano
ophthalmologist oftalmólogo/a
otitis otitis
otolaryngologist otorrinolaringólogo/a
paediatrician pediatra
pancreas páncreas
perone peroné
pharyngitis faringitis
pharynx faringe
physical therapist fisioterapeuta
pills pastillas
plaster curita , tirita
pneumonia neumonía / pulmonía
podiatrist podólogo/a
primary care physician médico de atención primaria
psychiatrist psiquiatra
pulse pulso
radiologist radiólogo/a
rib costilla
saline suero
scalpel bisturí
scanner escáner
scar cicatriz
scissors tijeras
shoulder hombro
sneeze estornudo
spine espina dorsal
spleen bazo
stethoscope esteteoscopio
stomach estómago
stomach flu gastroenteritis
stroke derrame cerebral
surgeon cirujano
symptoms síntomas
syringe jeringuilla , jeringa
thermometer termómetro
tibial tibia
tobillo ankle
toe dedo del pie
tongue lengua
traumatologist traumatólogo/a
treatment tratamiento
treatment room sala de curas
ultrasound ecografía
upheaval convulsión
urinalysis análisis de orina
urologist urólogo
vaccine vacuna
vermiform appendix apéndice
vertebrae vértebra
virus virus
vomiting vómitos
wrist muñeca
X-ray radiografía